Green spotted toad

Found in the garden today:

10 Responses to “Green spotted toad”

  1. bikehikebabe Says:

    Looks absolutely delicious. A chocolate toad with mint.

  2. Rummuser Says:

    Have you been able to get someone to kiss it?

  3. Looney Says:

    They sell them live in the Chinese supermarket here.

    • magpie11 Says:

      Not this kind they don’t! No-one has realised that it’s a fiction. It’s a common toad with pieces of duckweed on it from when it crawled out of the pond!

  4. Grannymar Says:

    I’m glad I came late to this conversation! 😀

  5. Mayo Says:

    You are clever– you are learning from the Master–Ramana!

    The picture of the quail I sent, is really a baby chick I painted. HA HA!

  6. magpie11 Says:

    I don’t need to learn form anyone! In my last employment the Head teacher and a couple of members of staff were inveterate practical jokers…the on person they never played a joke on was me. When I asked why not (when the head retired) I was told that they had been warned not to play a joke on me as they would receive more than double what they had dished out.

  7. gaelikaa Says:

    Well now, that’s something alright!

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